Thursday, 9 April 2015

Enrolled on the Improvement FUNdamentals MOOC

Thought I'd enrol and learn more about Quality Improvement through an NHS-supported MOOC.

"Improvement FUNdamentals - your route to improve health and care!"

Since I only work with BMJ these days it's going to hard to reflect on clinical work challenges but I'm always up for trying something out. Don't suppose my recent clinical experience will be of great help.

Was asked to complete this template prior to starting the course:

"As part of the Improvement FUNdamentals MOOC you are asked to identify an area of work or challenge locally that you would like to improve during your time on the MOOC using quality improvement techniques.

Please complete and save this pre-MOOC  template before you begin work on the  Improvement FUNdamentals MOOC."

Hmm. OK so that's going to be tricky.

Will be exciting to read what others are doing and watching their progress. Hope to learn a lot about quality improvement in the process.

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