We've been having a 'extra-curricular' discussion on historical aspects of diabetes on the Postgraduate Diploma course.
I just found this open access copy of the full text of the classic paper from 1922 and thought I'd share it.
It describes the very first cases (seven to the date of the article) of the use of insulin in the treatment of people with Type 1 Diabetes. Reading it makes you relive the palpable excitement of the discovery. Classic.
I just found this open access copy of the full text of the classic paper from 1922 and thought I'd share it.
It describes the very first cases (seven to the date of the article) of the use of insulin in the treatment of people with Type 1 Diabetes. Reading it makes you relive the palpable excitement of the discovery. Classic.
"Patients report a complete relief from the subjective symptoms of the disease. The sugar excretion shows marked decrease or, if dosage be adequate, disappears. Ketonuria is abolished, thus confirming a similar observation by Collip in diabetic animals (results as yet unpublished)."
Banting FG, Best CH, Collip JB, Campell WR, Fletcher AA (1922). Pancreatic extracts in the treatment of diabetes mellitus. Canadian Medical Association Journal 12: 141 - 146.