"Some may object to the re-engineering. Some may contest the change in the status quo. But this cannot be about business interests, copyright, or membership value propositions—three challenges that are valid, but can be practically and intelligently addressed though parallel innovation. This re-engineering is first and foremost about improving the flow of medical information."Re-engineering the Data Stream from Meetings to Medical Practices. Cover story of current issue of Medical Meetings.
This medical society / association led, open publishing model would broaden access to new research findings and perhaps accelerate their transfer to clinical practice. It touches on the Digital Scholarship that Martin Weller has been discussing recently, and, in particular, the reward and tenure that academics work towards and the inevitable comment about open publishing - Yeah, but who pays?
However, as they point out ... not without its challenges.
What a great idea for more of the medical community to take part in. Seems like there is a lack of communication between researches and medical professionals that slows down the process and implementation of new drugs.